T'was the night before Christmas and all through the world
Not a creature suspected what would soon be unfurled
Mary and Joseph were traveling with care
In hopes the Christ child soon would be there
Many that night would rest in their beds
With mundane activities dancing in their heads
Hours and days and hundreds of years had past
The Messiah's return had not come so fast
If from within your heart there has arose such a clatter
Consider counseling next year to help you with the matter
You can relate to the pain of the long first century waiting
Unfulfilled hopes and dreams had been frustrating

Sins would soon be made white as snow
The Savior was coming to rescue his people below
The way he would come, humble and mild
Would require his people to have faith like child
In your waiting, don't lose heart
Daughters and sons of God he has called you apart
More rapid than fast internet, the Son he came
Let's rise together and call him by name
Mighty God
El Shaddai
Prince Of Peace
From the center of heaven's royal throne, to the hay filled manger stall
Jesus came to love, serve, rescue, and save all!
He will come again in the twinkling of an eye
He was born that man no more may die!
And just like the day before the first Christmas
His people trusted he was coming with forgiveness
This forgiveness was given freely as a gift
When you were undeserving and adrift
Dear one who is longing to see Christ come back around
To you He has promised to give a righteous crown
And you will be clothed in his goodness, mercy and grace
Your countenance aglow from seeing his face
When the Son of Man returns in glory do not fear
Lift your heads, your redemption is near
From a simple dirty manger, to reigning Savior of the nations
The Lord sees and knows. He will return just as surely as he rose
Even when the way forward seems out of sight
Remember you are never alone on this Christmas Eve night!
-Carrie Breedlove MS, LPC