This digital download explains the eight phases of EMDR in clear, concise and easy to understand language. Great for someone interested in how EMDR works and great for the clinician who wants a tool to share with clients when explaining the phases of EMDR.
This download comes in a PDF format with five different color schemes to suit your personal preference.
Copyright Notice: This digital download is protected by intellectual property laws. It is provided for personal use only. Kindly encourage others to use this website to obtain their own individual copies. Thank you for respecting and supporting my creative work. - Carrie Breedlove, MS, LPC
EMDR 8 Phases
Copyright Notice: This digital download is protected by intellectual property laws. It is provided for personal use only and may not be copied, shared, or reproduced in any way. Kindly encourage others to use this website to obtain their own individual copies. Thank you for respecting and supporting my creative work. - Carrie Breedlove, MS, LPC