When you don't feel like moving towards them, but you do, that is love.
When you don't feel like holding your tongue, but you do, that is love.
When you don't feel like staying and working it out, but you do, that is love.
Love is patient, it suffers long without complaint.
Love is kind, it refrains from shifting the blame when it could.
Love doesn't envy, it's content even if it has less than others.
Love doesn't boast, it doesn't need to make itself look better, it's assured of who it is.
Love is not proud, it is not consumed with its own achievements.
Love doesn't dishonor others, it refrains from throwing others under the bus.
Love is not self-seeking, it considers others before itself.
Love is not easily angered, it's willing to overlook an offense.
Love keeps no record of wrongs; it casts the confessed and forgiven acts of the past into the sea of forgetfulness and leaves them there.
Love does not delight in evil; it doesn't scoff, laugh, or find pleasure in things that cause harm to others.
Love rejoices with the truth, celebrating what is right even when it's not popular.
Love always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres!
LOVE never fails!
I Cor 13
